Til Lægen

This was going to be an email to family but I’m going to post in on the Molliblog because, as I’ve said before, the blog functions nicely as a permanent medical record.

Molli had her 1-year doctor visit this morning. In addition to her vaccinations, we got all kinds of measurements and stuff. Head and length are normal (50th percentile on the button), and weight is 10th percentile but perfectly normal. As the doctor said, “There are big people and there are little people.” (The idea that Trine and I could combine to create a little person seems a little far-fetched, though.) She’s 75cm and 8kg, which is 30″ and 17.6 lbs.

The mark from her tick bite was the only thing we were worried about, since the little pinprick-looking thing is still there. It hasn’t spread or anything, but her other cuts usually heal in a day or two, so we’ve been eyeing it nervously. Totally normal, doctor says. It’ll fade.

Molli took her shot very well… going in. As the needle came out, she suddenly made that classic unhappy face—mouth open, lower lip curled downward, eyes shining with resentment, and absolute silence as she draws in breath and she builds up for the subsequent wail of outrage. And quite a howl it was.

Thirty seconds later she was crawling around the doctor’s office talking happily to herself. I don’t think she was hurt physically so much as horrified by our betrayal—there we were talking all sweet and being friendly and then suddenly the doctor jams a needle into her thigh. Who wouldn’t be angry?

Also, that front right tooth is coming in big and bold, but the left front tooth hasn’t appeared yet.

I still think she’ll walk before her birthday. I mean, technically she already has, but I want to see more than 2-3 steps and I want to see it more than once in a 24-hour period. Maybe she’ll walk on her birthday in front of everyone. That would be fun, and it would be just like her—she’s a terrible show off and just loves a crowd. (Must be Trine’s genes, otherwise I have no idea where that would come from.)

The uncharacteristically beautiful summer weather continues. The forecast for Sunday is perfect: 25 degrees and sunny. (We were reeeeeeally rolling the dice by opting for an outdoor party in Denmark. I think there’s a constiutional requirement that 85% of all summer weekends have to involve at least three inches of rain.)

There’s really nothing else to say. Here are some cute pictures from the other day, provided without comment.

And happy anniversary, Mom & Dad!

Author: This Moron

2 thoughts on “Til Lægen

  1. Hey, I just looked it up and oddly enough both Hannah and Sophie were 30″ at one year. Hannah weighed in at 23 lbs. and Sophie at 20.

    But, after a year Sophie’s growing slowed down a lot and Hannah grew taller so who knows what’s in store for Molli!

  2. Thanks. We are going out for a quiet dinner for two tonight. Love the updates on Molli. Hope the second tooth comes in OK. AML

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