Teething and Falling

This is going to be super quick… I just know if I don’t get it done tonight it’ll be another week before I have a chance to update, even though mormor is now doing better and actually had Molli for most of the day today.

First, Molli has at last become human enough that you can look at a picture and tell if she’s just been awakened. Observe the crazy bed hair, the sleepy eyes, and the cry of incredulity forming on her lips: “You want a picture of me now?”

The weather has improved to the point that we can sometimes take her out in something less than her arctic snowsuit. Here she is, for example, nibbling some keys during some lovely weather last Sunday (the 17th) when Trine took her for a walk in the woods only to have it start pouring rain as soon as she and Ditte reached them.

And here we are this past Saturday, enjoying a beer with some friends on one of the Lakes (actually on a pier in one of the lakes), with Molli hanging tough through a bad teething day. (We got her gum salve and panodil… the beer was our relief.)

Molli no longer wakes up lying in bed and screaming. Very often she wakes up and horses around in her crib for a while before making enough noise to alert us to the fact that she’s awake. At some point you tiptoe in to the nursery to check on her, holding your breath for fear of making a sound, and encounter this:

But she looks up at you and does this:

And you don’t even mind that she should still be asleep.

I mentioned her growing attraction to the cats:

Since her favorite playthings are wires, remotes, and electrical appliances, we’ve given her a bit of network cable to play with and it’s become one of her favorite chew toys.

But the really stunning development is very recent. Her Fischer-Price playstation thing has been a favorite for a while, now, because she can stand up and play with it, and nothing is better than standing up. It’s all she wants to do all day, and though she’s getting better she’s still taking some pretty hard knocks from the occassional fall. The playstation has been sort of a problem because it’s not heavy enough to stay in place: if she leans on it too hard, it slides on the floor. Then Molli loses her balance and BONK!

Trine summoned me urgently into the living room last night, shouting “Look at this! Look at this!” Molli was playing with the play station and it was sliding away from her, but she was walking with it!

I didn’t get any pictures, but I tried to repeat the experiment this morning and succeeded… she really does push the thing across the floor as a kind of walker:

She’s even gotten arrogant enough to try going one-handed from time to time:

On top of all this, the new teeth seems to have finally busted through the gum enough that it’s not causing her any more pain. It’s easily visible and she was back to her normal sweet happy self all day today.

Unfortunately we don’t have any picture’s of Freja’s confirmation party (Freja is the eldes daughter of Klaus’s daughter Elisabeth), because the baby monitor batteries died at the party so we swapped them out with the camera batteries. We did get some cell phone pictures, but they’re not very good.

Now you’re caught up and I think I’ll get some sleep!

(P.S.: Princess Mary’s pregnancy is official, she’s due in late October, so my hard-earned Google scores on anglophonic babies in Denmark are quickly going to become a thing of the past…)

Author: This Moron

1 thought on “Teething and Falling

  1. I can’t believe how much she has changed in two months since we’ve seen her! She will definitely be walking before her first birthday. Auntie Deb predicts 11 mos.

    I still really love seeing Molli in the girls old clothes. I don’t know but it makes me so happy to see them worn again. I guess it brings a happy memory to life again. I can remember Sophie somehow managing to chew on the moon hanging off those overalls. I don’t know how looking at them on the blog but she managed.
    Also, I love seeing her in the pink and green striped pajamas. Those were a gift from Marilyn Carmody the week Hannah was born – so they are REALLY old 🙂
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. It makes my heart smile 🙂
    Auntie Deb

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