Storm Update / A Familiar Face

The storm is on its way out now and doesn’t seem to have done much more than to us personally than flicker our lights a few times and roar impressively by our windows for an hour or so. And remove all the best cable channels from our lineup.

Anyway, ever since I heard the news of “Miss Beezly” being installed in the White House this week, something’s been niggling at my memory. I finally put it together this evening.

Astonishing, ain’t it? That’s “Mrs Beasley” on the left—Buffy’s doll on “Family Affair,” a show Deb and I (and most children of the 70s) grew up with. Or in spite of. Or whatever.

[The Molli pic is from early September, when Farmor and Farfar were visiting, which is why Molli looks so much different than she does in recent pics. But next time Mormor is over with her glasses and we’ve got Molli in some kind of blue-patterned outfit, we’ve definitely got to give this another shot.]

* * *

In more relevant news, Molli played with us for the first time tonight—consciously, anyway. It’d take a long time to explain, but basically we got her to imitate some of our behavior repeatedly, then she actually took over and led us through a routine of her own. There’s no question it was conscious and deliberate. The experiment was even repeatable several hours later. We’ll see if it still holds up tomorrow, but it felt like a major turning point.

She does seem more aware of us generally lately. When you hold her in your lap now, sitting with her facing out, she tends to twist around and crane her neck to look up at you. If you smile down at her, she smiles back. If you don’t, she just stares at you curiously until you do. (And of course, you do.)

Meanwhile, she’s still teething and a little crankier than usual, and is resisting her bedtime like mad even as I write this. We haven’t turned to the pharmacopia just yet, but we’ve got our fingers on the metaphorical trigger…

Author: This Moron

1 thought on “Storm Update / A Familiar Face

  1. The pictures show a remarkable similarily. I may even go out and look for a blue and white check dress! We’re glad you survived the hurricane with no damage and happy to see you’re back online.
    Guess I’m not senile – I finally remembered my user name so I could respond to you!
    It’s wonderful that Molli is so responsive and I’m sure you’re enjoying it. It’s a next step thing – she’s becoming aware of her environment and that she can interact with it.
    More later – time to run with the girls.
    Love you.

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