Recent Pictures

Molli continues to astound both of us. Every day she gets grabbier and grabbier, more and more burbly, and the sheer volume of her drool is staggering. We’re swinging her around upside-down a couple of times a day now, which she loves, and presenting her to herself in the big bedroom mirror now elicits giggles instead of horrified shrieks.

She’s gone about six days without crapping her diaper, however, and her farts are getting more noxious and horrible by the hour. I’m worried she may kill us all with methane while we sleep. We’re very excited about her next crap, actually waiting for it on pins and needles. Someone remind me of that after we move her to solid food.

Her crying fits can now be assuaged by dancing—and by dancing, I mean jumping around and swinging your arms in front of her (but not too close). The minute you stop, she resumes her screaming. This might sound challenging, but I think it’s a good sign that I may finally have the permanent audience I’ve always craved. (Although when she learns what actually constitutes “dancing,” I’ve got trouble.)

Anyway, here are some pics from the last 3-4 days. (The very last one is just from a few hours ago, so you’re certainly caught up now. And yes, farmor, that’s your grooming kit Trine’s using to beautify Molli in the second pic.)

Author: This Moron

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