
Maddie peed in her potty for the first time just moments ago! Hurray!

Anorher milestone I neglected to mention here: two weeks ago Molli Malou had her first sleepover at a friend’s, spending the night at Fie’s.

Meanwhile I actually am still trying to compile the 13 minute video of the summer.

And this is my first blog post from my iphone.

Author: This Moron

2 thoughts on “Potty!

  1. UPDATE: She even did a second time while we were Skyping with Nana & Pop-Pop! She'd been squirming in my lap during the call and at one point said "tis!" (pee!) and hopped down. "Well, go on to your potty and pee," I said, and she wandered out of the office. After a moment or two we realized we had no idea what she was actually doing, and I ran into the bathroom to find her standing over her potty, staring down with uncertain pride at the significant puddle she'd made in it. Go Maddie!

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