Nicolai was kind enough to provide kiddie photo shoots for family and friends today. He got some fantastic pictures of Molli that I’m not even going to bother to annotate. His camera’s fantastic, the lighting is great, there’s no blurriness or red-eye or anything, and the images are giant and rich and beautiful. (Of course, they’re shrunk way the hell down here.) In fact, text is just pointless today.
The pictures of Mormor and Trine with Molli are from Saturday, the rest are from this afternoon.
(Many excellent pics are not shown, including the one that will serve as this year’s Christmas card. Nicolai’s pix are 4-5 MB each, so if you want any full-sizers emailed to you, keep that in mind. Anyway, if you’re really good, maybe you’ll get a CD of Mollipix in your stocking…)
How cute!!! Sophie loves the last “nakey-nakey” picture.