On Top of Spaghetti (And Under It, and Alongside It, and…)

We’re in the final countdown to Molli’s first birthday, and the poor girl just hasn’t been herself since she got the vaccination. Sleepy, cranky, and much more lethargic than usual. It’s the same reaction she had last time, so she ought to be over it tomorrow, but it’s just crushing to see her so down. So I tried to do what I could to cheer her up today.

One of the things the doctor said at her checkup was that we needed to start giving Molli regular food much, much more often. We do give her plenty of normal food, but we mash most of it to within an inch of its life. Now we need to get her chewing more, and biting, and all that good stuff.

So I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by giving Molli some spaghetti this evening.

As you can see, she didn’t exactly take to it the way legend insists her old man did. But she liked it well enough to eat it. I used a little plastic fork and fed her big mouthfuls of chopped up spaghetti in butter sauce. Well, just butter, really.

After she’d eaten a significant portion and seemed to be getting a little bored, I nearly switched the spaghetti out with some apple sauce. Then I remembered something else we’d been told: we’ve got to start training the girl to eat on her own. She didn’t take to that right away, either.

But she didn’t stop. She’d grab a whole handful and jam it into her mouth. Then she’d eat most of it and let some slip out of her mouth and into her lap.

Sometimes she’d just drop it straight onto the floor, then stare down in awe at the curious patterns it formed.

And sometimes she’d just grab a couple of handfuls and squeeze.

And yes, apparently butter makes a lovely face lotion.

Her enjoyment was very obvious.

I got a fantastic video, but it’s about 65 seconds long and dozens of MB, so you’ll have to wait for the next Molli box set to enjoy it.

Anyway, I’m guessing the stats are something like this:

Size of portion: 2 cups
Amount consumed orally: 0.50 to 0.75 cups
Amount consumed nasally: 1 tsp
Amount consumed by epidermal osmosis: 5-10 mg
Amound rubbed into scalp: 2 tbsp
Amount ground into clothing: 0.1 cups
Amount heaped on clothing: 0.5 cups
Amount strewn on high chair, table, floor, cats, and father: remainder

Trust me… we’re gonna work on those stats.

Author: This Moron

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