Molli’s Summer Weekend

I promised there’d be pictures of Molli with her beloved apples. Here’s one.

And here’s another (I love this one):

I can’t always be posting big videos, so here’s a still shot of Molli waving. Just imagine the hand and arm moving in a standard wave motion. There, that’s it.

Saturday afternoon and early evening we went to a big barbecue and Nikolai and Linda’s. Lots of their family was there. They had a weird little hook-on chair that let Molli sit at the table with the grown-ups, and she loved it.

She looks very grown-up in these pictures, but she’s still very tiny. Not much bigger than she was when we were in the states.

But much more aggressive with a cracker.

And here you can see her beverage of choice for washing down a cracker:

In case your eyes aren’t that good, here’s a shot from about the same time taken from another angle:

On Sunday we took her to the swimhall for a baby swim. She loves the pool. Just look at the glee:

She remembered the colored balls and grabbed at them wildly:

And didn’t like to let go:

She remembered the penguin, but was a little more circumspect with him:

You can see she’s still trying to figure him out in this shot:

And in the end, the penguin was just as suspicious of her as she was of him:

I did a big long rambling essay about Molli over on today’s Almanac, so I’ll just head you over there for Molli text.

Author: This Moron

2 thoughts on “Molli’s Summer Weekend

  1. Sophie and I just looked at the new blog and Sophie just loves the last picture. She asked me to “compliment” on it. I think she meant “comment” but I like the way she said it better.

    Molli is so cute and so active. I wish I could see her and hold her.

    Smell her, hold her, love her and try as hard as you can to imbed this time in your long term memory. While you are going through the first year of your first child’s life time can sometimes seem unbearably slow and exhausting. But, in retrospect it is fleeting.
    And you never get it back.

    And, I might add if you ever have a second child Molli will most certainly ensure that you don’t have the same precious moments with #2 as you did with her. So, this is it.
    Enjoy it.

  2. She is the apple of my eye. I love the pictures and hope to see her in a pool myself someday this year.

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