Hat Dance, Bath-Time, and 1st Pigtails

The following pictures aren’t (for the most part) especially good. In one series, some are even out of focus, but had to be included for chronological purposes. There isn’t much text to provide today, which is just as well because I’m about as tapped for time as usual.

Series 1: Hat Dance

Molli’s been seeing more of her old friend Julius lately. On Saturday Molli got him interested in a her favorite play hats, familiar to all of you. I tried and tried and tried to get a shot of both of them facing the camera at the same time. Fruitless. The first picture in the series is the closest I got.

Series 2: Bath-Time

I don’t remember what night this was, but Trine wasn’t feeling well and had fallen asleep watching television. I wanted to do the dishes and clean up a little before giving Molli a bath, so I took her bath down from the shelf in the bedroom where we store it and set it in front of the bathroom. A few moments into the dishes, I heard Molli grunting in the hallway. I went out and saw her struggling to lift up the bath. I ran for the camera and documented the following without encouraging or discouraging Molli to do anything; she was just determined as hell and I was curious what exactly she was hoping to accomplish. I’ll let you be the judge…

Series 3: First Pigtails

Her hair’s getting so long we’ve been just itching to mess with it: we want to see pigtails, ponytails, braids, anything at all. It’s still not quite long enough to play with, but Trine gave pigtails a shot the other night and they almost worked…

Author: This Moron

3 thoughts on “Hat Dance, Bath-Time, and 1st Pigtails

  1. Very cute! I guess Molli likes taking a bath.
    It’s hard for me to believe that Hannah had more pigtails at 2 mos than Molli does at 15 mos.! But Molli looks very cute.
    In some ways you should count yourself lucky. Once little girls have hair long enough to braid and ponytail they don’t like having their hair brushed!

  2. You could label these photos “the many moods of Molli”. She sure is cute and definitely knows what she wants! The final photo of her with Trine and the tub is pricelss. It is sooooo sweet.
    I like the pigtails though they do need to grow in a bit!
    Thank you.

  3. Hats off to you. What lovely shots. As for the bathtub Molli surely knows what she wants and how to communicate even if she can’t directly state it in words. I would wait a bit before making more pigtails.

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