#7 and #8

Molli had been a little crankier than usual today, and at about 1745 (sorry for using the 24-hour clock but I’m getting used to it and I like not having to use the damn colon or am/pm) she went into overdrive. She was miserable. She’d just slept for about two hours, had had plenty of food, and had a fresh diaper, and she didn’t have a fever, so we were sort of confused.

“I bet she’s teething,” Trine said.

“Doubt it,” I said. “She hasn’t been drooling very much and she doesn’t have a diaper rash.”

So Trine peered into Molli’s mouth (pretty easy with Molli wailing at the top of her lungs) and, sure enough, her next two teeth are on their way. They’re the bottom two outside teeth. See for yourself:

The one on the right is visible as having broken through the gum, the one in the left is just beneath the surface and harder to make out. For the first time ever we actually had to give her Panodil (Tylenol) suppositories to stop her from crying. It worked well. Twenty minutes later she was dancing like mad to “Play That Funky Music (White Boy).” (Yes, we have video, but I don’t have time to package and post it right now.)

And just so the only picture you get today isn’t a closeup of Molli’s mouth, here’s a cute shot from earlier in the week. She’s looking very melancholy in spite of the barette in her hair. Or maybe because of it.

Author: This Moron

2 thoughts on “#7 and #8

  1. what a sad face! it’s an adorable picture of molli, even though she looks so sad. in a show of solidarity with my favorite niece, i too will play that funky music.

    uncle gene

  2. I too love that funky music. Sorry to see Molli so sad but now she is ready to eat corn on the cob when we see her next.

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