Big Weekend, Small Blog

It was a long weekend. We kicked it off at Tivoli, where Molli made a triumphant return to her beloved slide.

There were of course more pictures of Tivoli, but come on—you’ve seen Molli at Tivoli.

Saturday afternoon we went to visit some friends up in Allerød for a barbecue. They have two kids, Holger (almost 5) and Dagmar (almost 2). Molli fell in love with Holger and really enjoyed Dagmar. They both liked Molli, but Dagmar gave Molli some intense tutorials on the meaning of the word min!

They played well together and cooperated beautifully. Here they are helping me after I lost a contact lens:

I’m not sure, but I think this may have been the first time Molli ever crossed a street by herself.

She was heading toward the playground. The playground included a playhouse. She loved the playhouse. I took about a hundred pictures of her in it. There are some nice pictures of her and Dagmar, but this was my favorite. (Dagmar’s actually in this picture… she’s what Molli’s looking at.)

This afternoon was the “baby group” meeting, where once again we gathered with the other families from the neo-natal unit where Molli spent the first month of her life. It was down in Dragør, on Amager. The kids are all mobile now, so it was impossible to get one of all four that were present in a single shot (several couldn’t attend). This is the closest I got:

Molli was the only girl, and she relished the attention. But having grown used to Hoger’s attention the night before, today she settled on the affections of one of the kids’s four-year-old brother.

All the kids are doing great, but Molli is still clearly the most active of the bunch. She was all over the place, crawling and cruising and poking and dancing and making the boys cry. We both thought she seemed older than the other kids, even though she was still the smallest of the bunch. But as you can see in the picture above, they all still have those fat little baby faces. Molli’s beginning to show her little girl face. I mean, they’re all adorable, Molli just looked somehow older.

After coffee and cake we went for a group stroll. We made it out to the shore, where we were confronted with Denmark’s “longest bathing bridge.” Basically you’re dealing with a tidal flat that’s about 1-2 feet deep for hundreds of yards out into the sea. So this community pier goes waaaaay out to a little swimming dock. I’m not kidding when I say it goes waaaaay out. Look:

Here are Molli and me on the swimming dock. That’s the bridge to Sweden dimly visible behind us.

And here’s a glance back toward shore:

Back at the house, Molli took her first drive under the watchful eye of the 4-year-old she wanted so badly to impress.

There are so many pictures from this weekend I’m surprised how few I selected, but I’m going to try posting fewer pictures more often in the future, rather than zillions of pictures every 5-10 days.

Author: This Moron

2 thoughts on “Big Weekend, Small Blog

  1. I so love seeing all the pictures giving me the belief somehow I am participating in Molli’s growing up and she sure seems to be doing that. I vote more more frequent pictures.

  2. Oh, how I wish it was Hannah and Sophie she was idolizing instead of some Danish kids.
    Molli definately looks older than the other babies, I guess because she doesn’t have those big fat baby cheeks. Less to lose later. In the car today Sophie asked if her legs looked fat. At the tender age of 5 and 11/12 she thinks her legs look fat. Yikes. Hannah so diplomatically pointed out that a five year old’s legs can’t be “fat”, that at such a tender age chubby legs are “cute”. No surprise that this answer did not satisfy Sophie. I explained that when you are sitting in the car with your legs against the seat they look bigger.
    She may spend the rest of her life sitting in the car with her legs in the air so they don’t look fat. Aren’t you glad you have a daughter so you can experience these conversations yourself?

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