Hun Går!

About an hour ago I was lying on the floor with Molli, playing with a puzzle toy she’d gotten for her birthday. She enjoyed picking pieces up, waving them in the air, poking them into her eye, then dropping them again. Completely out of the blue she stood up, noticed Clara several feet away from us, and walked over to her. Then she sat down and pulled the cat’s tail.

This was the first spontaneous walking she’s done (that I’ve seen). She had no support at all, was not being coaxed by anyone, and the word “walk” hadn’t been uttered in any language. She wasn’t lunging toward something to lean on. She simply seemed to have determined that as long as she was standing, it’d be easier to walk over to Clara than to drop back down and crawl.

Now let’s see how long it takes us to regret this development…

Author: This Moron

3 thoughts on “Hun Går!

  1. How lovely. Better buy some new sneakers. On the good side it will provide you with much aerobic exercise.

  2. Good for Molli! And only this morning you told me she hadn’t walked yet. My how quickly things can change.
    Just be sure you keep the phone high enough so she can’t reach it.
    Walking simply means you have to raise things up a notch or two!
    Love ya

  3. Congratulations Molli!
    I don’t think you’ll have no regrets about the walking thing, it actually makes life easier than crawling. You won’t have to worry about grass stains on her pants and what kinds of things her hands have touched!!! Once they’re mobile, they’re mobile and walking just means she can get into trouble up higher.
    Now when she starts running………..

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