The Pick Up

Trine did allow me to go in a moment or two ahead of her to pick Molli up. The kids had recently finished lunch and were playing throughout their room. I didn’t even see Molli at first. One of the teachers had to point her out to me: she was at the far end of the room, her back to us, playing with a little toy stove—opening the oven door, then closing it. (Opening it, then closing it. Opening it, then closing it. What could be more fun? How could it ever get dull?)

I called out to Molli. She turned around, smiled brightly at me for a few seconds, then turned right back around and resumed her engrossing doorplay. She did more or less the same thing when Trine arrived.

She hadn’t cried at all in my absence. She’d been very happy for the whole hour. She’d had a big, full meal and enjoyed it.

We all three stayed another ten minutes or so. Molli whined and pouted and very nearly cried when we took her away. She fell asleep on the way home and she’s still sleeping.

Author: This Moron

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